Mystical Spells - Mantra

mystical Mantra

Mantra is the science of magic spells to used to obtain the desired magical.
Mantra is derived from Sanskrit
  • MAN which means the mind and
  • TRA which means LIBERATION, deliverance.
So the mantra is to free the mind activities. Meanwhile, according to Big Indonesian Dictionary (2001). Charms can be interpreted as an element of poetic wording (such as rhyme and rhythm) are considered to contain magical powers, usually uttered by a shaman or handler to emulate other supernatural powers.

Mantras, Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantra, is actually the 'embodiment of thoughts' that represents the deity or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by sound vibrations. mantra is, sound syllable, word, or group of words, able to create a spiritual transformation. Mantra is an integral part of all spiritual movements. OM is the mantra of the most commonly used in all religions. Chanting OM mantra helps one to rejuvenate the senses and create a sense of comfort and tranquility.

Mantra if the terms of the term can mean a sound, word or phrase is spoken, hissing or sung in a particular way for a particular purpose anyway. mantra is believed to have the power, as a means of supplication to God, and is useful for various specific purposes of the backfiring.

In terms of form, the spell could be classified into free form poetry, which is not tied to aspects of the rhyme, the line and the number of words in each line. In terms of language, some spells there that uses language that is sometimes difficult to understand. Even sometimes, spellcaster himself did not understand the true meaning of the mantra that he read. He just understands when and how to read and spell for what purpose. In terms of usage, the spell can not be uttered carelessly, because reading is considered sacred and have a special meaning.

Various forms of mantra:
  1. sound mantra
  2. mantra image (tattoo)
  3. mantra embedded in objects (amulets)
  4. shown spell with motion
  5. mantra in the form of certain ceremonies
Spell the word rhythmically allow one more relaxed and get in on the state of the trace. In rich metaphors sentence spells a style that is hyperbole helps spellcaster to visualize the desired state in goals mantra. sentence mantra to be repeated affirmations, Learning unconscius level and build auto-suggestion.

Self suggestion posed by the spell will be changed to BELIEVE SYSTEM or confidence. If something has the potential to be FAITH automatically moved to realize what is believed. Likewise, if the suggestion is able to reach the subconscious mind then the belief in himself resource will keep the faith and to go after it.

Mantra can help to incorporate suggestions that are effective, as is the use of real spell Alfa da Tetha brain waves. Suggestion itself to be very effective if done when the brain is vibrating in the frequency of Alpha and Tetha. The frequency of Alpha is when the brain / mind is in a state of relaxation. While relaxing the doors well as between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind will be open so that you can easily incorporate suggestions into the subconscious mind

Only, its use is more exclusive, since only spoken by a particular person, such as the handler, shaman, priest, psychic etc.. incantations is believed to cause supernatural powers to help achieve certain goals. In the old literature, is another word for curse spells, fresh, spray, cuca, worship, fun and desist, manto, incantations, sapo-sapo, pusako kato, kato, katubah or capak baruak.

the book MANTRA Dedy Corbuzier (famous magician from Indonesia), discusses how to communicate and use the communication itself. What's in a play on words?
  1. How powerful a word.
  2. What words can influence people.
  3. Only the words of a country can be destroyed.
  4. Only in words anyone can become rich and poor miserable.
Then we also give examples of good in it. With these words Dedy also become a mentalist. Fun, too, in this MANTRA suguhkan several short stories Dedy own work, devoted to our imagination and enter, settle and trapped.


And all through the scientific approach, which is directly related to the function of the brain, eyes and other senses.
all of the above a little information about the meaning of the mantra recognition ...
From the analysis of the function of mantra, there are several functions, among others:
  1. spell functions as an instrument of social control (advice);
  2. spell functions as a reminder (warning);
  3. spell functions as tolerance, and
  4. spell functions as a means to pray.
Mantra itself has meaning word or speech that can bring magic power (eg can heal, bring harm, etc.; wording element of poetry (such as rhyme, rhythm) are considered to contain kekeuatan supernatural, usually uttered by a shaman or handler to against other supernatural powers, poetry is permeated by belief in the unseen world; rhythm of language is very important to create a magical feel.

how to read the meaning of magical spells that can be used are:
  1. Each syllable mantra, must be read aloud slowly clear tone. It is very important to understand the meaning of one by one syllable mantra we recite, and to find the tone and rhythm of the actual spell. So it can really understand the meaning of the mantra that we speak, and get used to the tone and rhythm to suit ourselves. It should be understood that the tone and rhythm in every creature will not be the same. This difference depends on the level of achievement of each of the creatures. On the other occasions, when it's time and allowed by Hyang Taksu. Even if you can recite the mantra 100% exactly as your teacher, it is not helpful if you do not understand the meaning and essence of the actual spell. Remember that you are not a parrot, repeating clever but do not understand anything.
  2. When you have been able to understand the meaning of every syllable mantra is pronounced, and have found the tone and rhythm accordingly. only then can recite the mantra in the heart. The main purpose incantations inside at this stage, so we can more freely and more reading spell. And to prevent thirst. While reciting the mantra by heart, but we must still understand every syllable mantras are recited, as well as maintaining the same tone and rhythm as we speak it out loud. This is to be followed in the second stage. Let us recite the mantra by heart, but we do not understand every syllable mantra. Such a case, is not helpful whatsoever.
  3. If you are familiar mantra to myself while accustomed to understand the meaning and tone and rhythm is good, then we begin to accelerate the tempo of pronunciation spell. Tempo The most common one is reciting the mantra every deep breath, and recite one mantra every exhalation. Most importantly, we must still understand the meaning of the mantra and maintain a harmonious tone and rhythm, although in a much faster tempo.
  4. We started chanting the mantra of unity. Where when we recite the mantra to heart, recite the mantra that we are no longer persuku-word, and the meaning we no longer understand the words persuku arise. We like reciting the mantra of unity, which no longer consists of a collection of syllables. We will understand its meaning as a whole spell, which no longer consists of a collection of meanings of many syllables.

Mantra is also known as the Indonesian people rapalan for a particular purpose and objectives (both mean and mean less good). In the literary world, the mantra is kind of a long poem that contains magic power. Every region in Indonesia generally have a mantra, usually spells in the language of each region.

following we will share a few spells known as kawisesan for treatment and morbidity in terms commonly used in every battle. include:
  • Mantras of Leak Bali
  • Mantras of Compassionate for love
  • Mantras of Usadha (healer) or Treatment
  • Mantras of another miracle science
all these above mantra we take from palms miracle science (kawisesan) are used as guidelines by the shaman (healer) in the treatment of business and defense (wars).

if you are interested in having one of those spells just call email / YM: GniAstra,
No negative mantra or bad, depending on the user now only ...
only when the spell is used to it - the negative things, we bear no sin, we only help those who want to learn the spell spell which is famous for kansanah literary greatness and his power. may be useful.

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